In a sea of rappers, Donny Blot (pronounced Blō) stands out. Born Donovan Marcel Blot, the 23-year-old rapper/poet, seamlessly maintains his bouncy energetic vibe while offering thought-provoking and intelligent lyrics. This combination of unique flow and lyrical prowess earned Donny his nickname ."WavMan" amongst his colleagues in CAP 6. CAP 6 is a Lyricist Collective based out of Florida. Through admirable wit and poetic devices, they bring a new organic flavor to your ears.
Donny’s live performances are a full display his lyrical eclecticism. The versatile vibes from his tracks translate to intimate conversations with audiences punctuated by explosive sing-a-long hooks and verses, creating fluctuating highs and lows throughout his performances. Donny Blot has opened up for many big artists such as Vince Staples, KYLE, Earl Sweatshirt,iLoveMakonnen, The Nappy Roots, and KRS-One. Blot has also participated in A3C Festival and perform on 3 stages.